Investigation of the Effects of School Gardens on Education in Terms of Various Variables
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Okul, Okul bahçesi, Eğitim, Fiziksel yapı, Okul çevresiÖzet
This study aims to determine the physical conditions, cleanliness and order of the school gardens, the conditions of the garden walls and the security measures taken regarding the gardens, and to reveal the reflections of these features on education. In addition, this study reveals the satisfaction levels of students, parents, teachers and school administrators regarding school gardens. This study is a qualitative research in survey model. Research data were collected by natural/unstructured observation and semi-structured interview techniques. Content analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data. This study was conducted in six official primary schools at lower, middle and upper socio-economic levels, and interviews were conducted with 163 students, 95 parents, 67 teachers and 15 administrators in these schools. In the research, it was determined that the school gardens do not have the features to increase the physical activity of the students, there are insufficient and unplanned applications in the gardens, and the gardens do not contribute to the educational activities. In addition, it has been determined that students, parents, teachers and administrators are not satisfied with the physical conditions, cleanliness and order of the school gardens, the condition of the garden walls and security measures.
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