Ethical Leadership of the Teacher in Classroom Management

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Management, Educational management, Classroom management, Ethics, Leadership, Ethical Leadership


Classroom management is the continuation of the necessary opportunities and processes for the realization of learning, by providing the learning order, environment and rules. Teachers fulfill their classroom management duties by organizing educational processes and carrying out these processes in accordance with the purpose. It can be said that the ability of students to be educated in the desired direction depends on the successful management of the classroom. Ethics is a discipline of moral principles theory and philosophy that strives to realize a certain ideal of living, questions the era and society in which it lives, offers alternative values ​​instead of existing values, clearly defines life norms, in short, makes life meaningful. Leadership, on the other hand, is the process of influencing and directing the behavior and activities of others, without coercion, in order to set personal and group goals and achieve set goals, under certain conditions. In this study, which focuses on the ethical leadership role of the teacher in classroom management; First of all, the concept of classroom management and classroom management models are explained, and the basic elements of classroom management are discussed. Then, the concepts of ethics and leadership were defined, ethical leadership and the concept of ethical leadership in classroom management were discussed, and the power sources and characteristics of the teacher as an ethical leader were mentioned.


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How to Cite

Töngel, O., Eryaşar, E., & Eryaşar, C. (2023). Ethical Leadership of the Teacher in Classroom Management. International Journal of Unique Glance at Education, 1(2), 302–323.